Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sinful Colors and today's Nail of the Day!

While in Walmart one day with my sister, we ran across this new nail polish brand, Sinful Colors. Walmart had a giant cardboard stand set up introducing this new polish brand they started selling. Honestly, at first I was skeptical. It was cheap! I am a little turned off by cheap polish because I could never seem to make it work. It would clump, the brush would be too big, and/or it wouldn't be as opaque as I had hoped. That day I had passed up these colors and left Walmart with what I had gone in to buy.
About a week later I was again in Walmart and they had moved these polishes to their new permanent home on the shelf. I decided you know what, why not?! Lets give these a try. I picked up Cinderella and Timbleberry that day. I came home and tried them out. I WAS IN SHOCK. Seriously they were both perfect. They went on great, the brush wasn't too big or small, and they were super opaque! You could probably get away with one coat but I always love two. 
Sinful Colors is one of my new favorite polish brands. Every time I go into a Walmart or Target or some drug store I make sure to pick up a couple new ones. They are under $2 and they are fabulous! Last week I heard Walgreens was having them on sale for 99 cents and I ran out that day and bought 4! As you can probably tell I am super stoked on these polishes! Here are a few pics from the past couple weeks of the Sinful Colors polishes I have been wearing and my collection so far.


And here is a photo of today's Nail of the Day: Sinful Colors Moss Have 

I hope to be collecting more in the future and I hope you enjoy my Sinful Colors review!


  1. awesome colors :)
    I love them all!!

  2. nice!

